Someone will have to explain to me why anyone would give up so much autonomy. I know there's pleasure in dancing in groups and joining with others in service a larger purpose. But that's all relatively specific and short term. To give up all autonomy for an extended period of time (forever?) seems to me like a step backward on the evolutionary pathway. It's a very high price; I can't imagine any reward that would make it a worthwhile trade.

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Agreed, there's definitely a balance here. I wrote a short piece specifically on autonomy that may offer more context - https://markkoslow.substack.com/p/autonomy. Curious to hear your thoughts

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I'm surprised by the level of rigidity from the instructor when the guy showed up late: “We do NOT tolerate tardiness.” I've always wondered how monasteries would handle that, like if you can't meditate anymore and decide to just lie down and go to sleep. I guess that wasn't tolerated at this one you went to.

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